
Showing posts from April, 2016

Water,Potato and Cement

I have been there many number of times,  >Every time i visited it gave me lot of confidence to solve issues >Every time i visited it gave me a hope to live >Every time i visited it gave a power to fight >Every time i visited it made me stronger >Every time i visited it gave me a reason to be happy with what i have.. Its is not any religious place, it is not any psychology center, it is nothing but a CANCER HOSPITAL.. Yes, You heard it right it is a cancer hospital which made me what am now. There I saw the worst situations one can even imagine... I spent many sleepless nights on the rocks beside hospital, I spent many lunch-less afternoons before the doctor's cabin to get reports, I woke up many hopeless mornings... I was just losing hope day by day... One fine day I thought of visiting entire hospital , eventually which brought back my hope and made me strong enough to lead a fearless life, because there i saw what actual pain would look

Dinosaur's Diary

There are many differences between animals and humans , but the only difference that makes a huge difference is that "Animal kills for need, human kills for greed". According to a survey the number of extinct species is growing day by day. Out of 44,838 species , 905 species were become extinct and around 16000 species are endangered.That definitely means we killed around half of the species around us , it not just killing to survive ourselves but we kill for so many unnecessary reasons and we kill until they become extinct. We kill them for Fun, call it hunting ... there were a couple of lines i came across while browsing , it says "Until a lion is able to tell his story , every hunter remains a hero"..., which means a lot. There are some unfortunate situations where we kill them to  Peel off the skin for belts Get their Nails to wear around the neck Cut off their tusks to make Billiard balls and piano keys You make them sit in a zoo f

#Stress is a glass of water

Stress and sorrow are not really true but that is what you feel. There was an era were people lived very happily even they had numerous problems around them. But, we are here in an era where people are committing suicide even they fail an examination. There are problems in everyone's life and every day. However what you think of them in your mind is what that actually creates  stress or sorrow. Let me tell you an example: Take a glass of water in a glass and hold it high above your head for a while, >After a minute of holding it you wont feel any difference >After an hour you feel pain >After an 2-3 hours you start loosing control over your hand >After 4-5 hours you may not even move your hand due to immense pressure you put on your hand. Did you observe that there is no change in amount of water in the glass throughout the process, however you ended up with huge pain. Sorrow and Stress are the same, The actual situation might be very small ( as a glass of

Space It to Fit It

Universe provides you everything you only need to choose what you want from it.  There are only two things that you need to make sure : You have to choose it heart fully  You have enough space available for what you are choosing 1. Choose heart fully, Universe finds it and provides it for you at any cost.  Let me tell you an example,                                              There are couple of friends (Lets say A & B ) of mine who wanted to go abroad. They have enough of backup to support their desire. However, there are two differences between them. A has good academic background while B is an average scorer. But, the desire levels of B are far more higher than A Now, as per a general thinkers A should go to abroad as he have a very good academic background. For our surprise it is B who was able to make it while A is still here. B succeeded in 2 attempts while A was rejected as many time as he attended Visa interview.  Point to be noted in the above

Temper & Fence

If one wants to change then its not only about knowing what you need to change but also how to do and later start doing it, there comes the result.  There are many out there who say "I can't control my anger", "I have short temper" but does nothing about it all the way even after knowing it. All it needs a simple try . As i was browsing for something i just came across a beautiful short story which made me think again in angry situations... to control yourselves.. I just wanted to share it using my blog as a platform.. so that some more can be benefited out of it. Here it is.. "A long time ago there was a boy. He was smart, talented and handsome. However, he was very selfish and his temper was so difficult, that nobody wanted to be friends with him. Often he got angry and said various hurtful things to people around him. The boy‘s parents very concerned about his bad temper. They considered what they could do and one day the father had an idea.

Think of Her Think of Freedom - Part2

In continuation to the Part 1 of Think of her Think of Freedom published on 14th April. First of all i would like to thank all of you for spending sometime on my article.. Especially for the Latest article i have received a lot of appreciations. Thank you all for that which acts as driving force to write more and more.. :-) Did you ever wonder why you are so comfortable at your home than the others? Did you ever wonder why always ones favorite dish is made by their mother? Did you ever wonder why everyone's Hero is their Father? Did you ever wonder why your best friend is your sister? Did you ever wonder why you stand by your brother to feel safe? I have gone through all these questions and while searching for an answer i came across a term called "Zero Thought Process", where your brain is active but it is thinking nothing. I could relate this to teh above situation to get some relative answers You are born with Zero thoughts in your brain, so what else

#Think of her #Think of Freedom

Sometimes i wonder if living as a woman is easy or tough? Some say, its very easy for a girl to lead her life.. they add some theories to it like, Till she get married a father takes care of her and then it is husbands turn to play the role of her father till the end. Sometimes people also say that "A guy work very hard to settle in his life, then there comes a girl who get married to that settled guy indirectly gets settled as well. Here in India, they say "people work very hard in terms of education , Passport , Visa etc to go to abroad ( USA, UK, Australia etc).... But a girl can go just by marrying a settled guy over there. With out any hard work"...?? They say "Guys need to earn what he wants, But a girl gets it done with a smile". I wondered if this is really true or is there something in between which is hidden by girls under that smile. Then i started observing many girls around me, say friends , colleagues, classmates etc...

Dropouts for a reason

Education is planned in a way that it makes you follow the same crowd and make sure you doesn't think beyond. But, there are some people who realized it very early and left the education, followed their own virtues and changed the worlds face as it is now. Below are great people among them, Henry Ford  ( Ford ) : Dropped out at 16 Bill Gates ( Microsoft ): Dropped out at 19 Larry Ellison ( Oracle ): Dropped out at 20.  Mark Zuckerberg ( Facebook ): Dropped out at 19 Larry Page ( Google ): Dropped out at 21 Unfortunately , even after knowing this our children are being confined to the same four wall education. While many of the people are fighting for they CGPA and grades , These people let themselves free from the system to create something new that this world doesn't even imagine. Bill gates once quoted that " I was a drop out and my friend was a topper of the college, now am owner of Microsoft and he is an employee here". That is enough to e

Tears and Sweat

To this materialistic world, its position that decides value of you and your words. For example, Assume of sweat and Tears, Both are secreted from body with only difference of the organs they are secreted from. The prior is secreted from Eyes and the latter from Skin. Now its very easy to understand that Tears are more valued than Sweat despite of being similar in composition. If one can be biased on his own body parts then its very obvious that they are being biased towards a CEO than a clerk. The basic line of the example is we are used evaluate the meaning of the words based on the position of the person saying them. I have been observing the same since one of my Physics lecturer in college told me an example as mentioned below, Assume there are two people , Person A is CEO of the company and Person B is Clerk in the same company. If there is a sentence " I used to skip my college classes to watch movies with my friends", Observe the a normal employee reaction

Simplification of Irrationally Complexed Life

Yes, you heard it right.. The is very simple and we ourselves who make it complex in every possible way, then later start getting scared which ultimately pushes you to the world of Numbness. Later you start pray god for your own purposes and fulfillment's. You are born with absolutely zero thoughts in your brain, then you start building your own mass of body and even build yourselves by absorbing or creating new set of thoughts which defines you. Then, You are considered as Grown, by this tag there comes some irrationally predefined basic duties and their rules which you have to follow at any cost.                                                                                    Later , You start finding difficulties in following them and then the complexional process begins and once you are into it then you end your life revolving in the same circle. There are many situations i have observed where people themselves start to complex the existing situation and then try to simpl

From Orchard to the World

This is a message from Orchard, A 13 year young girl who died of bone cancer. You have to read the below because it may change the way you see your life going forward,  You may change your perceptions You may fight more intercceptions You may stand strong You may last long Go on guys, Just have it in your memories. “Happiness depends upon ourselves. Maybe it’s not about the happy ending, maybe it’s about the story. The purpose of life is a life of purpose. The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. Happiness is a direction not a destination. Thank you for existing. Be happy, be free, believe, forever young. You know my name, not my story. You have heard what I’ve done, but not what I’ve been through. Love is like glass, looks so lovely but it’s easy to shatter. Love is rare, life is strange, nothing lasts and people change. Every day is special, so make the most of it, you could get a life ending illness tomorrow so make the most