
Showing posts from November, 2015

Say "Innocent" , They hear it "Rude"..

Being innocent to the next level is considered as being rude in this so called "World" let me exemplify with an incident.. there is a birthday party of my friend on Sunday , but i have some inevitable work on the same day where i cannot attend  the party. so when my friend came to me and invites to the party.. Innocent Me trying to speak truth... Friend : Hi Me: Hi Friend: its my birthday on this Sunday Me : okay Friend: am throwing a party Me : okay Friend: You have to come and enjoy there Me : Sorry , No .. i have an another inevitable work . Friend: So its more important than me? Me : don't see so, its something like i need to go Friend: how you can be so rude and so mean Me : No am not, i told you truth. Friend: you are a ************. Me : Fine with that. Friend: Bye, I got to know about you completely. just bye. Me : what the ****** (confused)  I wont go to birthday as i had work. My friend waits for me even after i told i wont come. Then he g

Readers Dream..Writers Theme...!!

There is potential in everyone , but i think the problem is only that we cannot decide what we want to do.. ? It was a fantastic journey with my blog for about half an year, but it just became awesome with a the below mentioned , i don't know what to name it but it was the best feeling when i heard that the reader was able to dream like below after reading my articles. I don't feel like getting a medal for my progress but i feel like having a pure glass of mountain water standing at the end of the world. I feel so relaxed like an rusted iron of an old train wheel leaning to a painted cement wall. Below is the dream of the reader after reading my articles and slipped into a heavenly sleep. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ""She came, she came when I needed a person the most, I was sad she made me smile, I thought she was my friend, But deep inside I had something else for her I wasn't sure, what I wanted,but c

A question has many answers but none of them are true...?

A simple question has different answers.. Am in USA : Q: Who are you? A : Am an Indian Am in India: Q: Who are you A: Am a Telanganian Am in Telangana Q: Who are you? A: Am a Karimnagarian Am in Karimnagar Q: Who are you? A: Am Hindu, Am from Dharmaram Am in Dharmaram: Q: Who are You ? A: Am Padmashali, and am son of Ramanaiah. So where is your identity hidden? did you observe that in all the above answers there is everything except you... your place of birth , your religion , your caste, your country everything but your Identity. Try to replace all the answers by " Human ", you get an answer that fits and answers your question as perfectly as anything.. sadly no one use it, and you seems to be fool to answer so. That's the real world You are a human first, then comes all these so called religion, country everything... A rose plant gives the same rose even when it is India or any other country.. A river flows from high to low wherever it is present A Horse shows the same