Why you Hate When you can Love

There are many people in this world who use all their latent power in favor of destruction rather than being constructive. They try to pull the legs of others instead of climbing high.

See there are two ways to be on top , #1 you can be better than the best or you can pull the best behind you. Only some use the prior while the rest are interested in latter which ultimately leads to complete destruction of human development in every form.

Why you hate when you can love
Why you shy when you can try
Why you die when you can live
Why you run when you can fight
Why you cry when you can smile
Why you deny when you can accept
Why you sleep when you can wake up
Why you rest when you can work
Why be pessimist when you can be optimist
Why you destruct when you can construct..!!!

Observe the above lines , It really means that When you can be positive and constructive for thyself or for people around you why you use all your power in a contrast manner?? 

This reminds me famous lines by Charlie Chaplin " You need power only when you want to do something harmful, Otherwise Love is enough to get everything done...". How ironic is it.. We all know this but still doesn't follow and even encourage others to follow.!!

Many Einsteins are becoming slaves in MNC'S , Many Aryabhatta's are ending their life as School teachers, Many Picasso's are becoming wall painters, Many Sachin's are remaining as ball boys in Pavilion. Did you ever think why its happening?? No, because you are very busy in cursing the political parties, your system but did you ever think about your role in it?? Did you ever try to encourage your friends, your children, your students, your colleagues. 

Rethink about your powers, use them to build better people for better tomorrow. Relive the moments, make your life better by making your surroundings better. Support people instead of pulling their legs. All it costs is change you attitude towards the world. towards people and towards situation.

Assume a yourself in an interview with unknown officials in a four walled room. The grand sofa, the interiors , the designer work or the central air condition system , nothing makes you comfortable there but a simple smile on the face of the officials does. That helps you to become more confident and perform more better. As simple as that have a glimpse of smile on your face irrespective of they are known or unknown.

Try the simple things below and see the change : 
#Smile at people who comes on your way ( Makes a great statement about you )
#Talk polite to your fellow bikers on the road when you have got a situation ( Common sense )
#Make some good conversation with friend when he is in chaos ( help to help you )
#Wish your known when you see them ( Builds Great relation )
#Help Someone needy when you come to know they need it ( Make yourself happy )
#Encourage people around you when you realize they can do it. ( Helps them and society )
#Say Sorry when you know mistake is yours ( Respect others values )
#Forgive people, remember the situation ( Makes you alert next time )

Realize your importance in building better society. Encourage yourself by encouraging others. Help yourself by helping others.

Nothing becomes better unless you want to make it...!!!


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