Ram Allah Jesus..!!

Is God one of the Man's Blunders or Is Man one of the God's Blunders..!! Nietzsche

Ram Allah Jesus, this is the abbreviation I have given to my name (RAJ) when i have stopped believing in idols and names of gods and started believing in a Creator where names and forms doesn't matter.

With in all these years of my life , what I have realized is that my life actually took a start towards progress when I stopped relying blindly on idolized Gods and started relying on myself for anything I do. You can be completely Atheist, but i strongly believe when there is a Creation then there is a Creator. The so called Creator might not actually designed you or any creature as it is , However life  might have been started somewhere which is changing the forms continuously . 

More than the basic requirements of life such as food , water and shelter , Human now a days require religion to live. It is one of the man made disastrous practice.

Whatever the religion you belong to or what ever the god you trust (If you are Hindu , You have more than one options) , Unless you work you are a failure. Jesus, Allah, Buddha or any one among the 3 crore goddesses in Hindu Dharma actually asked to believe only in them , or asked to talk only in their language , asked to kill the one who doesn't believe in them . If you come across any of it then you should be able to accept it has been modified according to religious leaders for their own benefit.

Recently , Islam is the religion which is quite making headlines because of some people of that religion chose violence path for many reasons. Hence, The actual principle of Islam,  "PEACE" has faded away and the world began to see it as religion of violence which is quite incorrect. Don't believe it? Go through the below story of Mohammad Prophet , which clarifies your doubt.

"Once Mohammed Prophet was sitting beside a water stream. He suddenly saw a Scorpion which is trying to get out of water and reach the shore. Mohammed , Being a Helpful human tried to get it out of water but as the scorpion is unaware of help being done to him got scared and bit him as its Natural Instinct due to which Mohammed was forced to drop it in pain. However, He again tried to help it and the result was same as before. A sheep-keeper, who was observing this from quite long time came to Mohammed and asked if he was mad or why he was trying to help the scorpion who is biting him as it natural instinct.? 
                                                   Mohammed, Smiled at him and replied, See my dear, When a Scorpion is strongly committed to its natural instinct of Biting anything which comes near it , Being a Human why shouldn't I follow Natural Instinct of Helping . The Sheep-keeper was speechless and walked away from there by learning a lesson for his lifetime.

So, When the prophet himself conveyed the message of god with such clear intent , today's so called religious demigods are polluting the religion and manipulating people just for their own benefits.

Whether, It might be any god or if he really created human to be pinnacle of evolutionary process we have to take that responsibility and behave accordingly by living a harmless life. 

Believe in Creator not a Preacher, Because Creator/God may or may not help but definitely can not harm you even he wish unlike a Preacher.!!!

Hope this article made some sense and please note that it was intended to build a positive thought process.

Thank you for you time on this Article , Please do comeback for more.


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