I am a 2 days Indian..!!

I appreciate foreign brand clothes and ignore Indian weaver’s products
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

I love to work as hard I can for foreign companies and never work if get a Government Job
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

I love to spend any amount to watch a foreign movie and never watch Indian art forms even for free
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

I spend a lot on fast foods and pizzas but never purchase a farmer product without bargaining
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

I worship every possible god/person I can but use them only to show off myself and/or create chaos
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

I am very passionate about love story movies but never hesitate to kill anyone who loved my daughter
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

I blame government for collecting “Swachh Bharat” tax but never throw waste in dustbin
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

I wanted to leave my country as soon as possible but want everything to change when I come back
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

I will decorate/celebrate Indian Independence and republic day with all made in china products
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

I can argue hours about soldiers by sitting in a TV studio but can’t even run a mile practically
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

I fight for woman reservation and their rights but never allow it even in my house surroundings
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

I want soldiers to protect my country but never allows my children to join army
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

I want clean politics in my country but never vote without taking money at election times
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

I can create a million fake documents to get financial assistance from government but hesitate to pay tax
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

I might be able to afford a Lamborghini but want to utilize reservation for my child
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

I ignore India as long as I can but remember that I am an Indian on 15 Aug and 26 Jan.
But, still very proud that I am Indian.

Every line above is not applicable to all Indians, There are true and honest people who are striving for better India and I wrote these lines with all due respect to them.

Thank you for your time and hope this article made some sense.




  1. Very well said Raju...there are more hypocrites than true Indians.

    1. Thank you Juliet... Yes you are correct.!!

  2. These words have really good impact, I can sense how you feel while writing this.

    1. Thank you Surya for your sensible words..!!


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