Human Being to Being Human...!!!

We were here as human beings from generations and in course of living our lives there occurred many changes in our lives and lifestyles which may be good or bad , but all we have to to is accept the changes and try yo live with it. Else, as Darwin quoted "Only the fittest will survive". We grew up whether by identifying or ignoring many changes, out of which i tried to mention below. Have a look...!!

Somewhere between,
Having enough space for cattle at home to Not even having space for parents,
we grew up.

Somewhere between,
Going tour away from to Coming home as a tour,
we grew up.

Somewhere between,
Playing in rain to Paying to dance in rain at a resort,
we grew up.

Somewhere between,
Being alone without friends to Feeling alone in a group of friends,
we grew up.

Somewhere between,
Meeting new friends to Losing old mates,
We grew up.

Somewhere between,
Talking directly to friends to Secretly checking their status,
We grew up.

Somewhere between,
Lying once in a while to Telling truth once in a while, 
We grew up

Somewhere between,
Counting happiness in moment's to Counting happiness in Fb likes,
we grew up.

Somewhere between,
Expressing love by acts to Expressing love by posts,
we grew up.

Somewhere between,
Singing national anthem on independence day to Updating tricolor DP,
we grew up.

Somewhere between,
Personal invitation to Virtual information,
we grew up.

Somewhere between,
Anything can happen in life to Nothing happens to me in life,
we grew up.

Somewhere between,
Being fit to Becoming fat
We grew up.

Somewhere between,
Being Slaves to British to Being slaves to religion,
We grew up.

Somewhere between,
Asking mother for help to Asking SIRI/Google for help,
we grew up.

Somewhere between,
Waking up at 5 AM to Sleeping at 5 AM,
we grew up.

Somewhere between,
Trusting god and fear for devil to Trusting devil and fear for god,
we grew up.

Somewhere between,
Human being to Being human
We grew up.

Somewhere between,
We going into forest to animals coming to our homes,
We grew up.

Somewhere between,
Respecting each other to Trolling each other,
we grew up.

Somewhere between,
Loving each other to Cheating each other,
we grew up.

Somewhere between,
Having horizontal homes to Vertical apartments,
we grew up.

Somewhere between,
Waging a war for women to Waging a war on women,
We grew up.

Sometimes, I really wonder if we grew up and also realize that once in a while you have to look back not only to remember where you came from but also to have a look at your journey.



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