Definitely Indefinite Marketers

Everything is being marketed these days, am very concerned because even God is being one of them.

Don't believe? Let me give you an example..

Common people: I wanna make my skin white.
Marketer A : Only Fair and lovely can make it done
Marketer B : Use Ponds fairness cream, else forget what is white

Common people : I wanna reduce weight
Marketer A : Only our Sauna Belt can do it very fast
Marketer B : Use our weight loss Powder, there is no need of one sweat drop.

Common People :I wanna sleep well
Marketer A : Use our cotton mattress, you feel like sleeping in clouds
Marketer B : Our mattress made of 100% synthetic material, softer than cotton.

Common people : I wanna eat well.
Marketer A : Come to our hotel, you feel like eating at home
Marketer B : Ever tasted heavenly food? you will find it here

Common People : I need a good job
Marketer A: Sir, We can do it for you. Register with us.
Marketer B : We are most trusted in jobs market, you can trust us too.

Common People : I wanna go to Heaven. 
Marketer A : Trust our god , you directly go to heaven. It is the only way.
Marketer B : We own heaven, come with us we are going there. Let me take you.
(By the way, here Marketers are called Religious heads )

Now, don't be offended for comparing the marketing products to God. It is not me but so called religious people are projecting god in such a way these days. Honestly did you find any difference between the ads given by a soap company to make your skin white and a so called religious organization to wipe of all your sins to get a ticket for heaven? Think by nullifying your emotional quotient.

Cant you earn respect by not being white? Yes, One can earn respect by deeds not color.
Cant you be healthy by being a little chubby? Yes,One can be healthy by eating good food.
Cant you sleep well on normal bed if not a mattress? Yes, One can sleep well on a normal mattress if they work hard enough all day.
Cant you go to heaven (If that exists) unless a believe a particular god? Yes, One can go there by doing good to other people but not by killing them , irrespective of the god you believe.

The problem is people want to get it in a easy way so they look for fairness cream instead of working hard, they buy sauna belt instead of avoiding junk food, they look for mattress instead of working well all day and finally they pray to god instead of helping people.

Magnet is named as God to attract you - Beware
I have never read any holy book but i sincerely trust that no book says to kill your mates living with you just for not believing what you believe.The main reason for all the blind believes is Laziness of people.People are lazy to read what is written in holy books and depend on some XYZ person to explain them, Unfortunately there are degrees to calibrate teachers who teach subjects but there is nothing to calibrate  religious person on his knowledge of holy book. Hence, Many of them are self declaring themselves as "Gods-man" and followed by a large number of people to create their own system of beliefs. 

Nothing can be done until your perception changes. Everyday you will be fooled by Marketers who make money for their happiness by selling you some or the other products including god  (They can do anything for money , keep this in mind).

If you believe in God and start working then you can achieve anything in life,
If you depend on God and wait for him to work for you is the apex of stupidity.

Change your perception towards color,weight and most importantly change your perception towards Religion , God and Life.



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