When the buffalo was killed....

There are many people out there who don't know what exactly doing in their life.While they say they are living ,, I would remind them that they are just existing not living.

I have observed many people around me, They just live the way it is irrespective of the ideas they have to live. So called Successful people are those who in contrast to the normal people do some abnormal things which may not yield great results but definitely gives you new experience with a lot of curiosity to live your life.

While i was browsing through internet for various motivational articles, i have came across the story which was similar to the people i mentioned above.

"Once a Sage with his disciple was travelling , they felt thirsty and looking for water all the way. Meanwhile they came across a farm which was not being cultivated , nearby they found a home. So they decided to go to there and request for some water. As soon as they knocked the door a man with dirty clothes opened the door and served them water as per their request.

The Sage was curious about the person and asked "I hope this farm belongs to you, Why is not cultivated? and how do you make living?

The man replied " Yes the farm belongs to us ", he continued "However , we have a buffalo which gives us enough milk to feed ourselves and the remaining milk we sell in market to buy the essentials so we are not cultivating the farm"

Sage said nothing in reply , but the man asked if they want to stay in their home tonight as it was already late in the evening. Sage and disciple agreed and slept there.

After all of them fell asleep , Sage woke up his disciple and asked to kill the buffalo. Disciple was wondered about it however he killed the buffalo and then both of them left right away.

Do great things to achieve great

Later time passed very quickly and the sage died but the disciple was stuck with a feeling that he killed a buffalo and thus made a very big mistake. So he decided to visit the farm and apologize the family for what he has done. When he visited the farm it was no more the same , it is being cultivated and the owner built a new home and even have a car . He went to the man and asked if he remembers him , the man replied " Yes, how can i forget you and your master. What we are today is because of you. if you people wouldn't kill the buffalo we would die the same. Now am earning and even gave life to some more people who is working for me".

Then the disciple understood the real meaning of his masters words and returned with happy heart.

There ends the story, But see how many of us are leading a life with the buffalo (Job you are doing right now), even though you have a huge farm ( huge scope of doing anything with the powerful brain and body ) you never utilize it to make your future, instead you depend on the buffalo and lead a normal life.

This is the life which you have , This is the time which you need to make most of it. It is time to "Kill your Buffalo and Cultivate the Farm to get great results of life". Identify your passion, calculate your skills, work hard, give everything it needs and finally you get the reward for sure.

I would end this article by saying that " You need to do great things to achieve something great"

Thank you for your time on this article do comeback for more.



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