Story of a Selfish Shirt

There is a saying "The actual character of a human is Selfishness , Altruistic nature is what just covers it".

Everybody is selfish right from the day you remember , that character is always lurked with in and the outcome and frequency is only what varies with in us. 

The degree of variation might be different but no one is exception for this character. The so called noble people are actually who had a strong Altruistic layer over selfishness".

>You may want more chocolates than your brother
>You may want more toys than your sister
>You may want more share of the profit
>You may want more credit for a win

The more continues with glory,money, fame, years to live etc etc. In the same way every one more or less end up blames other as easily as they do a mistake.
The man is so selfish that he easily blames someone or something for his mistakes and failures.

Even after doing their job correctly, 
>You blame cab driver if you miss your flight (You didn't start early)
>You blame teacher if you fail a subject (You didn't read well)
>You blame a lawyer for loosing the case (You didn't have valid proof's)

And say what not, you even blame non living things for your failure.

I would like you give a classic example which i was observing from around 13 years, It might look very funny but it have a strong statement about the society around you which made of such thought process and it teaches you from day one that "Never accept your mistake".

Hmmm... My shirt is too small

Lets say you buy a shirt and use it for around a couple of years.After a period of time you grow up and put up some weight and hence the same shirt will not fit you . If you are unable to wear the shirt it is your problem but not shirt's.
However you end up saying that "Shirt became small so that i cannot wear it" (Although shirt never becomes small, its you who became Big), But the saddest part is all those who listen to you accept it and blame the shirt at the end of the day.

The day this changes i may believe this society around me :-), Because i can imagine the pain of the shirt and many similar people who are actually playing a role of shirt in this society ( I mean people who are being blamed unnecessarily)

Do give a thought about your share in the mistake happened and try to apologize if possible, which actually looks like a deadly option however it gives you satisfaction in the end.

Accept your mistake and apologize when required that actually makes yours as well as others life easier.

Thank you for your time on this article, Please do visit this blog for more.



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