IDENTIFICATION...... Error # 404 - Not Found

Statement here is : Identifying yourself is like restricting your own existence to a limited area of exposure.

To make you understand more about the term "Identifying" used here, assume there are two people here referred to as A and B.
A: This man identifies himself first with his Sex (As male of female), then with cast , later with religion and the list continues
  • Area of living (Andhra, Telangana, Tamilian)
  • Language he speaks ( Telugu, French, Spanish)
  • Nation he was born ( Indian, American, German, Russian)
  • Nature of his work ( Banker, Actor , Farmer )
So, when the man A identifies himself as any or many of the above he restricts himself to only certain category he choose.
For example if "A" chooses to be a Hindu , he is only restricted to the related information , practices.
in contrast if "A" chooses to be an Indian or Russian then he just belongs himself to those nations and there by limits his own existence to the respective places which is not we are born for.

B: This man never identifies himself with any of the human created or followed rules, borders or languages , thus giving himself a huge opportunity to exist completely according to his will but not for the human created so called "Society".

Identifying yourself initiates your destruction

 Hence , the point here i want to make is Identifying is completely a process of restricting your life and its opportunities.

Think for a second:
Why we require to take grants to go round the world, which belongs to us?
Why we require boundaries to restrict ourselves to a particular area?
Why we require religion to live?

All the above mentioned will just restrict yourselves from being you, A complete "YOU". They confine you to a particular area or state where you cannot do another things except what you are supposed to do. There ends your life , because a man is supposed to be dead when he cannot do what he/she wanted to do. The saddest part is we are programmed to live so and when some people try to enlighten us we call them "Stupids" only to satisfy our ego but nothing else.

The things which seems to be great privileges are actually the great cuffs with which you are tied...!!

According to Believers , Man and/or whole world is created by God. Then my question is when he himself created and sent you to this world why the hell do you identify and classify yourselves and wasting the time with chanting his name every now and then? Just have a great respect of your creator and do explore the world for which you have been sent to this world.

For example , If a father send his child to an amusement park he created in the backyard... what is the child supposed to do?
  • To sit in the middle of the amusement park (World) and chant his father name (Pray) or go around and explore? what makes his father more happy?
  • To divide the park with borders (Countries) for himself and his brothers or share everything with his sibling? what makes his father more happy?
Just rethink of your own existence and start realizing what you have lost all these days.

Stop identifying Start living.



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