Greatness is a relative word which has no meaning without frequent reminders..!!!!, These are the lines which i wrote in my book when i heard someone saying that "Monalisa looks like a guy to me, I don't know why people find her so beautiful".

The bottom line is someone or somethings become great when are frequently told they are great. It somewhat similar to go-bells principle.

According to this principle of Go-Bells, A false is believed to be true if it is said continuously. This is the principle used by Hitlers Minister Go-bells to make Germans believe that they are superior race when compared to others and the are born to rule others. By making such announcements very frequently and by filling every wall by such quotes with in a short period of time he got a huge response in favor of him and he succeeded to build a large army by many of the youth joined him to make that quotes true.(He used all that army to fulfill his personal desire to conquer the world which made him most hated ruler).

So, The moral of the above lines is that , nothing is great until it is told great..!!

As quoted in the starting line, Many people say MONALISA is an extraordinary painting by any perspective. But ask them why ?? a major sector cannot answer. The reason behind that is , They were told very frequently that monalisa is a very great painting. So they just start believing that statement without any reason which leave them clueless when someone asks why? (This is not against the painting , but against blind belief of the people).Educate yourself before believing something is great. It might be great but know why it is..!!

Many people know there are seven wonders, But never know why only those are called wonders.

They say pyramids are greatest build structures ever, but they don't know the shape of the pyramid itself made it great (The most stable shapes till date is a pyramid shape).

I just tried this experiment on my friends, and i was stunned by the result i got.

Experiment is about how we are pre-programmed to believe something is great. I gave my friend my mobile to listen a song which is a kind of old song in late nineties. He told this song is not good but just an average song to be listened once. After a period of six months , he was supposed to listen the song in my mobile. This time i told him that , this song is composed by A.R Rehman , Then suddenly he started listening song with lots of  enthusiasm and then started praising the composition of the songs and ended with the statement "The best song i heard in recent times".

A. In the first case he don't know who composed the song, so he was accurately able to deliver his decision without and inlfulence or bias.
B. In the second case, as he was a big fan of A.R Rehman knowing that the song was cmposed by him, his brains started to send all possible positive signals when he is supposed to give a statement about that song. Which means he was biased with a pre-program in his brain.

Remember you live and die as fool if you really believe something or someone without a reason or logic behind it.

We know only some names of freedom fighters and believe that they are very great. But the fact is there are many more who were great but just vanished from the books as they were not mentioned frequently. They might be very great than the people who are said to be very great freedom fighters but just due to lack of frequent reminders we tend to forget them and believe that they are not as great as others who are mentioned very frequently.

Say for example Gandhi will be remembered by every Indian as father of nation. This is not only because of his great work to fetch freedom for India by his Non-Violence Principle but also the frequent reminders through , A national holiday on his birthday, A photo of Gandhi in every Government Office including Judiciary offices and his image on currency and a lot of literature stating his personality let us remind his greatness and though-out generations the greatness of Gandhi remained and it will remain forever. But if you discontinue the above frequent reminders after some generations will definitely wont consider him as great as we are considering now.( Its Not to insult our father of nation but just to exemplify how important is to remind people to feel something is really great).

So, before believing or telling something or someone is great . Make sure you know that why they are great. By this practice you will have more chances of becoming great because you when you come to now why those specific people are great , you may also know how to become great. When you know why makes a thing great, there is more possibility that what you create can also be great.


With all due respect to Monalisa and Mahatma Gandhi..!!



  1. i do not know what this author is up-to, But he wrote it very well and the examples may hurt some hardcore fans of the mentioned examples. whatever it is i loved the article.

    Thanks author.

    1. Hi Anonymous,

      Firstly i would like to thank you for spending your time on my article. And am reiterating the same here that my intention was not to insult the great personalities but it is just to exemplify the process of something to become great or remain great for a while..!!


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