#Survival of the Fittest

Based on Charles Darwin's  theory of Evolution, Herbert Spencer coined the phrase ""Survival Of The Fittest". To simply this theory , "Fit" means survive some sort of test in order to exist. The term "Test" may be anything including natural calamities etc.

To make it more easy and understandable, Lets discuss an example:

## There is a worm Brown in color  on a tree leaves which are Green in color, Imagine a bird flying over the tree for its prey and looks at the tree . It can easily find a Brown worm on green leaves from a certain distance. If this is the case all the worms will become birds prey and there is a chance for worms to be endangered.
So, There are two options for worm :
  • 1. To survive this test by best possible actions
  • 2. To Become Extinct.

To survive the test , The worm changes its color to green by initiation of genetic changes so that it cannot be spotted by the bird. Plan works, The worm survives the test and elongates its existence.

More Examples of Survival Instincts :
  • #Chameleon ability to change colors
  • #Horn of Rhinoceros
  • #Thorns Of Plants etc
  • #Claws of Carnivorous animals
  • #Long neck of Giraffe

We are enjoying the superiority in the nature as human beings. But now the survival test with in our own species. One must prove him/her self to prove their existence or simply accept the inability and become a part of Jurassic park an ultimate route to exit.

You need to be :
# Influential in Society competing neighbors
# Dominant in an Organization competing colleagues
# Cardinal in the family competing siblings
# Significant among your group competing friends

Every thing mentioned above is an inevitable test of survival of every individual in daily life. So there arises a question , How to over come those tests. How to stand up to the tasks and exist along with others.

Relating the same theory with our daily life, we come across ample of tests questioning our existence.

What we need to do to Survive:

#Make yourself comfortable to the surroundings
#Know your abilities and possibilities
#Anticipate the changes
#Make plans swiftly
#Think a step ahead of the rivals
#Develop Lateral Thinking ( Will discuss this topic in next article )

Making note of these points applicable in the daily life, when we got a test to survive .

For Example : Soumil is a New employee who joined recently in a well known organization. He needs to prove himself in the organization and become cardinal. So, In order to survive this test of his career.
# Soumil needs to make himself comfortable with his colleagues and new environment in the organization, get used to the existing rules and regulations and make himself comfortable there.
# He should know the possibilities to apply his strengths to get maximum outputs which should be visible to his management.( Marketing your efforts wisely is as important as working hard )
# He should anticipate the possible changes and make plans swiftly and accordingly so that he should    be a able to be a step head of his rivals ( Colleagues ) by playing smart using his strengths.
# He should develop ability to think laterally , which makes your life easy while solving adhoc              problems. ( Stepping forward when everyone steps back makes him unique and better his opportunities )

There will be competition where ever you go, so accept the challenges , stand up and modify yourself accordingly and be one of the survivals and enjoy the superiority.

#Bestrong#LiveLong #Mindmac


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