#Flip side of Love

Origin : The word love has its origin from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit lubhyati ‘desires’.

We know the feeling of love from the day your heart starts beating when you are in mothers womb. You can feel essence of her love and care. So this particular feeling is been a part of your life even before you know any other words or feelings.

Now-a-days, there is a very interesting discussion among people that is  True Love or False Love. Understand one thing that Love itself means Truth there is nothing like false Love.

Similar to a coin, everything or every feeling has a flip side. So love is not an exception in any case. There were many people ( Romeo-juliet, Devadas-parvathi, Laila-Majnu) , books (I too had a love story ) and movies ( Titanic ) which talked about the greatness of love. In contrast to that lets discuss the flip side of the same.

We love everything in the Universe ( Stars, Sky ), Nature ( Water, Rainbow, Trees ), Animals ( Chameleon, Dogs ), Birds ( Peacock, Dove ) etc. as they are, But in case of People you have numerous qualities to be changed in order to love them.Observe the statement carefully.
# You never complain about the Color of Sky but always have a problem with skin color of humans.
#You never want to add a new color to a rainbow but always want new qualities to be added in your loved partner.
#You never complain about the shape of water but always have a problem with a guy/girl you fits him/herself in according to situation.
#You never doubt the loyalty of dogs but always doubts your love for no reason.
#You never say no to see a dancing peacock but always have a complain about girl/guy dancing to their  own music.
#You Never have a problem with the shape of trees which give you fruits but always have a problem with  the so called "Structure " of him/her who love you.

Take a minute to think about all these... why all these unnecessary things come in love. Why cant you love a person as he/she is?? Why do you want him/her to be as your wish by losing their identity?? Every person here is special let them be as they are even in love. 

We comment of Chinese for having identical face but we  want all of our lovers to be same ( it means to be high talented, structured body, handsome, rich ). You are costing your soul just for temporary elements ( Al the above mentioned required qualities).

Imagine if every one have power to change the colors of rainbow? It ends up with unimaginative colors and the most important factor is it looses its IDENTITY. The same is applicable for human beings. If everyone in a persons life changes one quality each then the person looses his Identity and remains as a mixture of unusual qualities which is not acceptable.

There is a true sentence about LOVE which states " Either love a person as he is or accept that you do not love him". How ironic the quote is? It is applicable for each of us.

This has exceptions in case of acquired bad habits ( father tries to change is son who is drug addict), Influential bad habits ( A wife asking her husband to change his bad attitude towards women ), Progressive or constructive good habits ( A manager asking employee to change by improving his communication skills). All these are progressive to human life so they can be exempted from this theory.

Hence, don't try to change identity of a person in the name of Love.

So, If you really love a person never ask him/her to change . Try to accept as they because every person is special and unique.



  1. It is really good that you mentioned exceptions

  2. Thanks bro... Love by itself is very good but people are changing its meaning. That's the basic idea of this article.

  3. From were do you get these ideas?

    1. This not a creative idea but what we observe in day-to-day life. Am just trying to put it down at one place.


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