
Showing posts from October, 2015

#Before #After

There is always many factors that influence your thought process,your decisions and your conclusions regarding a person or situation or an Incident that happens in daily life. I have started observing myself, on how i react or respond to different situations. In this process i have evaluated a situation and my reaction to the same. I would like to exemplify it . On a particular day i have planned to go home as soon as i complete my daily routine at office, and as planned i logged in early at 6:00 AM so that i can log-out by 12:30 PM and catch my bus for which i have reserved a ticket at 2:00 PM. 12:30 Pm- I have logged out 12:38 PM - i have started my bike to reach my room as soon as possible 01:16 PM - I reached room with a minute delay according to my calculation. I got ready in 10 mins , so its 01:26 Now.... I had 34 Minutes in my basket to catch my bus. I had three options 1. Bus - it may take around 30 mins ( After i get bus, to get bus it may take 5-20 mins so its not

#Problem #is #Opportunity

Once, i came across a quote " Problem itself is not a problem but the way you look at it is"... Just for few seconds i lost myself to the nature and just stood like a naked bulb on the long and steady pole at the end of the road.... It just blew my head and i started thinking all of my problems ( They might not be problems but at that point of time it seemed so), and with a smile on my face nodding my head like a snake to the piper... stood there silently for a while recollecting all the so called "Problems". After a while with a sound of bus horn , i cam into this world which i living from past 25 years. Stood there laughing at my own problems which i understood were not actual problems instead they seemed like opportunities to me. Here i would like to mention some of them : My biggest problem in college was to get on stage and give a seminar,if i have taken that as an opportunity instead of problem i would have been very effective communicator by today in m

The question...??

There is nothing to do with the answer , all that matters is THE QUESTION..?? Keep asking the questions as frequently as possible that makes your life so easy. Do not bother about answers , when there is a question then there will definite be an answer. So all you have to do is stop searching for an answer and start searching a question. One of the great philosophers , Henry David Thoreau quoted in his famous book "The Walden" that he what he is worried about human beings is that they lose the quality of questioning in the progression of life and subsequently lose the eagerness to live. Adding to his fear about human progression, we are progressing just because of people who question not because of the people who are blindly searching for answers. I was told by my lecturer that "Be as enthusiastic as a child when you learn something new, only then you will find the answers . if not today then tomorrow but you will get the answer , all you need to do is have a questi


Greatness is a relative word which has no meaning without frequent reminders..!!!!, These are the lines which i wrote in my book when i heard someone saying that "Monalisa looks like a guy to me, I don't know why people find her so beautiful". The bottom line is someone or somethings become great when are frequently told they are great. It somewhat similar to go-bells principle. According to this principle of Go-Bells, A false is believed to be true if it is said continuously. This is the principle used by Hitlers Minister Go-bells to make Germans believe that they are superior race when compared to others and the are born to rule others. By making such announcements very frequently and by filling every wall by such quotes with in a short period of time he got a huge response in favor of him and he succeeded to build a large army by many of the youth joined him to make that quotes true.(He used all that army to fulfill his personal desire to conquer the world which m

#How Much do you care about yourself??

In our day to day life we always try to make others happy with expecting something out of it , it may be physical or materialistic. (Exception for people who make others happy to make themselves happy but expect nothing) These days people are really living to impress someone by leaving themselves behind. Some try to dress in worst and uncomfortable outfits so that people around them will be impressed. Some try to do different kind of stunts so that people feel great about them While some others are busy in impressing people by pretending they know everything even knowing nothing. Its being so viral that , people started buying things which they don't require but like to posses just because some of the people around them are having it and they ( those foolish people) strongly believe that they will be recognized only if they posses somethings like that. Here there are two points to be noticed: 1. People are not really trying to make others happy but lurked truth is t

Where are you?

Yes , Ask The Question yourself .... Where am I? Are you in a world where people say they are civilized but cant even build a home in lifetime? Are you in a world where everyone have thousands of friends in Facebook but feeling alone? Are you in a world where you can talk to a person miles away but ignoring one beside you? Are you in a world where Living became so hard but killing/dying is so uncomplicated? Are you in a world where we can go to moon so easily than your neighbors home? Are you in a world where greed surpassed need? Are you in a world where we are buying diseases first then medicines? If I have to answer that question myself.. The Answer is Yes , I am in the wold which i have mentioned above.. People are dying of hunger a side and people are wasting on the flip side. People are homeless one side and people trying to buy more on the other-side. Here one would definitely come across a question , are we really being developed ? If Yes in What perspect