
Showing posts from June, 2015

#Swimmers Body Illusion

When a situation occurs (for you or the people around you) and you notice that situation. The Brain analysis it in many possible ways by the end concludes with a statement regarding that particular situation which you believes all your life.                                                                         Lets say for example , If your friend scores high percentile of marks reading a specific publication material then your brain firmly states that the percentile of marks obtained by your friend is result of the material he used. So when you go out to buy some material for yourself then your brain suggests that specific name without any delay. Just analyse it twice? Is that the potential of your friend made him score high or the material is solely responsible for his high score? There are ample of similar situations in everyone's day to day life where incorrect brain analysis occurs. Recently while reading a book called 'The art of thinking clearly" by Rolf do

#Motivational # Dialogues @ Hollywood

There are ample of people out there who watch Hollywood movies for their Visual techniques and remarkable screen presentation but if you observe keenly the writers do a pretty good job by their majestic dialogues that elevate the essence of the Characters, by then giving us a strong message. Here are a few of my choice. # All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.                                                              - from Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring #Great men are not born great, they grow great.                                                             - Mario Puzo, from The Godfather #I know what I have to do now, I’ve got to keep breathing because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?                                                               - from Cast Away #Why are you trying so hard to f it in when you were born to stand out?            


Best Psychological Movies That Enter"Train" Your Brain Movies are more than entertainment from years ago. They connect to you in may ways and brings out your emotions in certains situations. They make you happy, they make you cry , they give you sleepless nights, they make you sleep sometimes, They irritate you, They make you love, What not they can do to you??? They can even leave you in puzzle sometimes,  Hollywood has always given space to some exceptional psychological/Conceptual movies that make you think twice. So just do nothing but watch them.  I have a list of such movies which i have mentioned here. Trust me they are worth watching. I may missed many other outstanding movies , Please leave your best movies as comments. So that we can update our libraries. #Version English : 10. Rain man (1998)   Director: Barry Levinson Cast: Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise 9.Traingle (2009) Director: Christopher Smith Cast: Melissa George ,  Joshua McIvo


We will be Loud #When we are Proud #When we are Confident #When we are Protected #When we are in Love #When we are Independent Do think a while , are these the only situations when we will be loud?? No.... We will also be loud  #When we are Hurt #When we are jealous #When we are Angry #When we are disappointed. Lets go into the Abyss of it. Every one are jealous of developed countries as they are ruling the World. But how many of are ready to accept their principles of development, Their attitude towards tomorrow, Their Professional approach towards work??  If you observe all the developed countries or all the successful people , you will be able to find a very simple &  common point, "The people of  that respective countries are proud of what they are doing". It may be any kind of work. When an individual does his job with an intensity it ultimately reflects in its Country's Output. Lets quote an example here which i have come acros


Happy Fathers Day Well known Quote about A FATHER Not Only Human beings, Many of the other species have adopted Male parenting . Where a father takes care of their progeny which includes many sacrifices. Unlike Homo sapiens , They have adopted " Love' em and Leave' em " Policy. They take care of babies until they learn the basic survival instincts and gradually leave them to make their own life . It may seems to be odd when they leave their children to leave but it is required to let them live in stead of bearing them all the life and making them useless like in human beings. Lets remind of some the best male parents among other species :  1. The Best Love Dad :  Red Fox with his Baby For the first month after the birth of his young, his vixen must stay in her den, doubling as a food source and thermal blanket for their young. Dad's job is:  #Providing her with food every four to six hours until she can leave the den and start hunting as w


Before Going in , just try to answer the   below Question :  ## A police officer saw a truck driver clearly going the wrong way down a one-way street, but did not try to stop him. Why not? Please think of it, Answer will be given  at the end of the article Path of lateral thinkers Edward de Bono , Coined the Term "Lateral Thinking"  which means solving a problem through indirect and creative approach. This is very far away from the traditional type of step by step problem solving skills.  It definitely worth following and completely changes your attitude towards a problem. Lets take an example from Yandamoori Book ( Mindpower ) You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus: 1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die. 2. An old friend who once saved your life. 3. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about. Knowing that there can on

#Survival of the Fittest

Based on Charles Darwin's  theory of Evolution, Herbert Spencer coined the phrase ""Survival Of The Fittest". To simply this theory , "Fit" means survive some sort of test in order to exist. The term "Test" may be anything including natural calamities etc. To make it more easy and understandable, Lets discuss an example: ##  There is a worm Brown in color  on a tree leaves which are Green in color, Imagine a bird flying over the tree for its prey and looks at the tree . It can easily find a Brown worm on green leaves from a certain distance. If this is the case all the worms will become birds prey and there is a chance for worms to be endangered.                                     So, There are two options for worm : 1. To survive this test by best possible actions 2. To Become Extinct. To survive the test , The worm changes its color to green by initiation of genetic changes so that it cannot be spotted by the bird. Plan works, The


Yes , everyone wants to Live rich or/and Die rich. But the bad news is RICH always means MONEY to people which is a false interpretation. There are reasons for that as well. #We Respect people with more money than more value #We Obey what rich people say and command poor people #We Measure our comfort in cars and villas #We Admire people hanging out at pubs than serving people #We Search our happiness costly mobiles and accessories #We Love scented supervisors than sweated labor So all of us are actually relating our happiness to money either directly or indirectly. We are flavoring our dish with false flavor of money when we have real flavors like values and ethics. Think a moment about people having a sip of artificial bottled lemonade but their car has hanging real lemons. How sad this is?? They shy to have a roadside real lemon drink but love false lemonade. Its not because they love lemonade but its because they feel that having a lemonade in a Coffee day spending around


Its not the chance but the choice you make decides your future. Be aware this world is full of idiots who are always trying to pull you down. So enlighten yourself , let your knowledge be your shield from those who try to destroy you. Just a few lines about choice....!! Hey brother, are you going out into the world???? Are you going out into the world??? There are bastards out there, who waits all there life to strain you. There are masters out there, who waits all there life to train you. Just be careful…with your choices. Are you going out into the garden?? There are mild flowers , which are born to thrill you with their presence There are wild flowers, which are born to kill you with their essence Just be careful…with your choices. Are you going out into the backwoods??? There are endearing deer’s, just born to make you peaceful There are barbaric beasts; just born you make you fearful. Just be careful…with your choices. Hey brother, I just wanted tell you….

#Flip side of Love

Origin : The word love has its origin from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit lubhyati ‘desires’. We know the feeling of love from the day your heart starts beating when you are in mothers womb. You can feel essence of her love and care. So this particular feeling is been a part of your life even before you know any other words or feelings. Now-a-days, there is a very interesting discussion among people that is  True Love or False Love. Understand one thing that Love itself means Truth there is nothing like false Love. Similar to a coin, everything or every feeling has a flip side. So love is not an exception in any case. There were many people ( Romeo-juliet, Devadas-parvathi, Laila-Majnu) , books (I too had a love story ) and movies ( Titanic ) which talked about the greatness of love. In contrast to that lets discuss the flip side of the same. We love everything in the Universe ( Stars, Sky ), Nature ( Water, Rainbow, Trees ), Animals (  Chameleon , Dogs ), Bi

My top 10 Self help books

Top 10 Self Help books that changed my life : #1. The Walden ( Henry David Thoreau ) #2. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari ( Robin Sharma ) #3. Games People Play ( Eric Berne ) #4. The Secret ( Rhonda Byrne) #5. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People ( Stephen Covey ) #6. The Rules of the Game  ( Russell Brand ) #7. Success in Five Steps ( Yandamoori veerendranath ) #8. Thinking Fast and slow ( Daniel ) #9. People Who Cry When You Die ( Robin Sharma ) #10. The Four Agreeents ( Don Miguel Ruiz). The above mentioned books may not show you the solution but they give you the power to solve the problem by changing your attitude towards it. Remember " The Problem itself is never a problem but the way you look at it really is ". #Mindmac

Why you Hate When you can Love

There are many people in this world who use all their latent power in favor of destruction rather than being constructive. They try to pull the legs of others instead of climbing high. See there are two ways to be on top , #1 you can be better than the best or you can pull the best behind you. Only some use the prior while the rest are interested in latter which ultimately leads to complete destruction of human development in every form. Why you hate when you can love Why you shy when you can try Why you die when you can live Why you run when you can fight Why you cry when you can smile Why you deny when you can accept Why you sleep when you can wake up Why you rest when you can work Why be pessimist when you can be optimist And Why you destruct when you can construct..!!! Observe the above lines , It really means that When you can be positive and constructive for thyself or for people around you why you use all your power in a contrast manner??  Th