
Because it's free!!

We receive/send more sensible quotes from/to  people but majority of us are absolutely senseless, because forwarding a quote is free!! We receive/send online wishes for every occasion but majority us don't turn up to meet, because wishing online is free!! We feel proud of our country but majority of us don't ever try to make it proud, because feeling proud is free!! We get/give lot of suggestions but majority of the us have never even did any such thing before, because suggesting something is free!! We fight over issues on social media but majority of us could never even act on our family issues, because posting comments is free. We criticize something done but majority of us never even try to do it in real, because criticizing is free. We always watch sport and judge the players fitness but never even ran a 100 meters in life, because judging is free. We always lecture about great thoughts/ideologies socially but majority of us never even follow t

You can ignore anything but this Post!!

Ironically relevant thoughts of mine which I put on paper today, hope which might make sense. You can buy anything but Trust You can sell anything but Self-respect You can cheat anything but Death You can meet anyone but God You can adulterate anything but Fire You can steal anything but Knowledge You can stop anything but Time You can create anything but Life You can kill anything but Love You can force anything but Sex You can catch anything but Dreams You can repay anyone but Parents You can deny anyone but Friends You can rise from anywhere but Ashes You can drive anywhere but Graveyard You can hide anything but Truth You can postpone anything but Ageing You can holdback anything but Talent You can escape anything but Sleep On a lighter note You can reply anyone but wife LOL..!!

This Tangled Society Might Strangle You..!!

I can’t trust a society where Government run wine shops but Private run schools I can’t trust a society where  Training to kill people is free (Military) but Training to save people is costly (Doctors)     I can’t trust a society where Violence is considered as power but Silence is considered as weakness I can’t trust a society where Religious TV channels are aired for free but Informative TV channels are not I can’t trust a society where Restaurants provide internet for free but charge for water I can’t trust a society where News is created rather than being shown as what it is I can’t trust a society where People run away from rain but the same people pay for it in resorts to dance I can’t trust a society where Education being bought rather than being taught I can’t trust a society where The same government which runs advertisements not to smoke approves tobacco industries I can’t trust a society where Faceb

I am a 2 days Indian..!!

I appreciate foreign brand clothes and ignore Indian weaver’s products But, still very proud that I am Indian. I love to work as hard I can for foreign companies and never work if get a Government Job But, still very proud that I am Indian. I love to spend any amount to watch a foreign movie and never watch Indian art forms even for free But, still very proud that I am Indian. I spend a lot on fast foods and pizzas but never purchase a farmer product without bargaining But, still very proud that I am Indian. I worship every possible god/person I can but use them only to show off myself and/or create chaos But, still very proud that I am Indian. I am very passionate about love story movies but never hesitate to kill anyone who loved my daughter But, still very proud that I am Indian. I blame government for collecting “Swachh Bharat” tax but never throw waste in dustbin But, still very proud that I am Indian. I wanted to leave my country as soo

Mother , Special than any other..!!

Every mothers day we see tons and tons of posts on social media these days, however we see a lot of abandoned old couples struggling to get some help to cross a road. According to a survey, there is 69% increase in old-age residents in last 6 years?. So where we are heading in the name of development, nuclear families and ultra modern life style. So , my question is Where are all these Sons&Daughters who love their mother and father has gone?  Where are they partying when their parents really need their hand? Why is the love limited to your digital world? How many times you are actually talking to them? What actually you know about what they need form you? People are very busy loving their mother online and in contrast to that , they even get irritated when his/her mother calls twice when they are late to home. So, where your so called love had gone? Not necessarily you need to communicate your feelings to your mother, she can read your thoughts and feelings at t

The Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do?

( This article was written by AMY MORIN , however I published in this blog to help this blog readers to find it easily as this is strongly recommended for every reader, Trust me it is worth every second you spend on it.!! ) Mentally strong people have healthy habits. They manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in ways that set them up for success in life. Check out these things that mentally strong people don’t do so that you too can become more mentally strong. 1. They Don’t Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves Mentally strong people don’t sit around feeling sorry about their circumstances or how others have treated them. Instead, they take responsibility for their role in life and understand that life isn’t always easy or fair. 2. They Don’t Give Away Their Power They don’t allow others to control them, and they don’t give someone else power over them. They don’t say things like, “My boss makes me feel bad,” because they understand that they are in control over the

Success is a Failure, Failure is a Success

Success is a failure when you fail to handle success Failure is also a success when you succeed to handle failure..!! There are lot many theories, stories and books which explains how to deal with failure but there are one more issue that is usually ignored but has 10 folds more dangerous than failure. If you are wondering what it is? It is called Success..!! This article tries to shed some light on the above ignored issue called “Handling Success” along with common reiteration of “Failure” importance. Success Lead to Failure: Once you succeed, you should be able to handle that success and if you fail to handle it, that success might cause more destruction than a failure. Such is the situation with many people, they are ready to handle failure while they cannot withstand the effects of success. Just think of NOKIA, which was ruling the mobile world till touch screen/android hit the market. They were busy in enjoying success and ignored the market and failed to