Ram Allah Jesus..!!

Is God one of the Man's Blunders or Is Man one of the God's Blunders..!! - Nietzsche R am A llah J esus, this is the abbreviation I have given to my name (RAJ) when i have stopped believing in idols and names of gods and started believing in a Creator where names and forms doesn't matter. With in all these years of my life , what I have realized is that my life actually took a start towards progress when I stopped relying blindly on idolized Gods and started relying on myself for anything I do. You can be completely Atheist, but i strongly believe when there is a Creation then there is a Creator. The so called Creator might not actually designed you or any creature as it is , However life might have been started somewhere which is changing the forms continuously . More than the basic requirements of life such as food , water and shelter , Human now a days require religion to live. It is one of the man made disastrous practice. Whatever the religion y...