My Father wanted to kill me.. I ask why not? : A Girl

The title might be kind of controversial , Only because if you cant see the truth or hail it. The below story is of a girl who tried to explain this society , why her father tried to kill her when she is still in her mothers womb, Hi everyone, am a girl and I don't want to specify the name because "A Girl" is enough for this society to take it for granted and assume as many things as they wanted and it doesn't matter what your name is. This story is based on my fathers conversation with me when I was in my mothers womb. My father is a average government employee, a common man like any of middle class man , who walks a lot of distance just to buy vegetables cheaper than nearby supermarket. He was one among them who buy cloths for family for entire year when ever the sale starts and who tries to squeeze the paste out of the tube which he bought an year ago on to a bald brush which has only some bristles left. When I was in my mothers womb, he used to talk to me...