Say "Innocent" , They hear it "Rude"..

Being innocent to the next level is considered as being rude in this so called "World" let me exemplify with an incident.. there is a birthday party of my friend on Sunday , but i have some inevitable work on the same day where i cannot attend the party. so when my friend came to me and invites to the party.. Innocent Me trying to speak truth... Friend : Hi Me: Hi Friend: its my birthday on this Sunday Me : okay Friend: am throwing a party Me : okay Friend: You have to come and enjoy there Me : Sorry , No .. i have an another inevitable work . Friend: So its more important than me? Me : don't see so, its something like i need to go Friend: how you can be so rude and so mean Me : No am not, i told you truth. Friend: you are a ************. Me : Fine with that. Friend: Bye, I got to know about you completely. just bye. Me : what the ****** (confused) I wont go to birthday as i had work. My friend waits for me even after i told i wont come. Then he g...