
Showing posts from May, 2017

Mother , Special than any other..!!

Every mothers day we see tons and tons of posts on social media these days, however we see a lot of abandoned old couples struggling to get some help to cross a road. According to a survey, there is 69% increase in old-age residents in last 6 years?. So where we are heading in the name of development, nuclear families and ultra modern life style. So , my question is Where are all these Sons&Daughters who love their mother and father has gone?  Where are they partying when their parents really need their hand? Why is the love limited to your digital world? How many times you are actually talking to them? What actually you know about what they need form you? People are very busy loving their mother online and in contrast to that , they even get irritated when his/her mother calls twice when they are late to home. So, where your so called love had gone? Not necessarily you need to communicate your feelings to your mother, she can read your thoughts and feelings at t