
Showing posts from August, 2016

Human Being to Being Human...!!!

We were here as human beings from generations and in course of living our lives there occurred many changes in our lives and lifestyles which may be good or bad , but all we have to to is accept the changes and try yo live with it. Else, as Darwin quoted "Only the fittest will survive". We grew up whether by identifying or ignoring many changes, out of which i tried to mention below. Have a look...!! Somewhere between, Having enough space for cattle at home to Not even having space for parents, we grew up. Somewhere between, Going tour away from to Coming home as a tour, we grew up. Somewhere between, Playing in rain to Paying to dance in rain at a resort, we grew up. Somewhere between, Being alone without friends to Feeling alone in a group of friends, we grew up. Somewhere between, Meeting new friends to Losing old mates, We grew up. Somewhere between, Talking directly to friends to Secretly checking their status, We grew up. So

Its Not your Closet but Mindset Matters

Human nature is very complicated when compared to any other animals in this world. That is because every animal has given pre-loaded characters which are specific for their existence (Like a deer ability to run, Like a lion's power of paws to kill etc). It means they live with the same characters till the end, but when it comes to human beings they have given a powerful brain which is completely empty so that it is up-to an individual to choose the characters he want which ultimately creates and endless confusion if they doesn't care properly about what is going in. Its mindset that matters... Carefully choose your thoughts because what that goes in will be stored and you will be able to use only them when it is required, Like a closet of your clothes. All the thoughts you absorb are like all the cloths you buy. so when a situation arises you will be able to use one of the thoughts in your brain like when a function arrives you choose a costume from your closet. Sadl