
Showing posts from January, 2016


The below mentioned short liners are to be considered as By-Products of my actual intended reaction of life. They are being divided under different subheadings just to have more clear perspective. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOD & RELIGION The real problem to world is not with the people who TRUST GOD but with those who DEPEND on GOD..!! The prior prefers to help while the latter seeks.. I Don't have a problem with those who talks to god, i only have a problem with whom God talks to..!! The prior dies but the latter kills..! When a Doctor and Engineer can live in brotherhood, So does a Hindu and Muslim can... its only they follow specific books and principles doesn't make much difference in basic Character of "Humanity".... Dear human beings, Be ashamed of building an insecure world with bricks of religion,caste,creed, race and economic status by buryi

Afterlife is A Planned Myth

Sometimes i wonder due to the huge population growth , one day there will be an increase in the planets mass which might be lethal enough to create some sort imbalance in planets center of mass along with rotation and revolution. Thus there might be a chance of extinction of all species in this planet. The above theory came to my mind when i was believing that we come from outer space , live here and then go back to heaven or hell based on our respective deeds. However, after i realized that there is nothing being added to planet Earth by a human or animal birth because that is a result of transformation of form of matter or earth , blatantly i shutdown the thought process of planet earth mass and center of mass. We are just a form of matter that is able to think itself until it exists. You create yourself by accumulating thoughts that reflects your personality. Hence, There is no reality in afterlife concept. We are born as a process of transformation of matter. >>>you becom