
Showing posts from July, 2015


There will be raining outside, you want to go and enjoy in it but you will not do it. There you see a funny scene going on in front of your eyes you want to lough out loud but you will never do it. There is your favorite song playing out loud, you want to dance but you will never do it In everyday life there are  lot of these moments where you actually want to do but you end up in vain by sacrificing your moment of life. The sad news is  even after observing these kind of situations in life, you do nothing about it , you never try to do them. Reason is very simple you are scared of people around ,you think they will laugh at you, they will make fun of you. Whatever you assume like this is utterly wrong , Yes i said utterly wrong. People do not have enough time to think about you,  everyone is busy in thinking about themselves. Never get scared of people, they are mirror images of you. How you look them is how they look at you. Smile at them, they smile at you. Shout at them ,

#Life&Time #TeachesEverything

Good morning !!! Yesterday , while going to office I met a person and had a conversation for around  35 minutes , He is a man with an mesmerizing attitude and a lot of positive intentions. He was very much influential and impressive. His intensity of desire towards his goal made me go crazy that how a man can be so concentrated towards his job and his goal which includes his responsibilities. Coming to the scenario , His name is Suresh. I just met in in the cab, wished him to have a nice day for which i got the same reply but with more energetic and charming smile.( "I felt jealous for a while, because i thought his smile would dominate mine". - Jokes apart). Instead of sitting idle and make my self comfortable during a ride i always wanted to talk to my fellow passengers or the driver (Without disturbing him), so due to habitual intentions i started a slow conversation with him without knowing that this will be the best conversation i ever had in recent times.